Curriculum Vision
At Rykneld Primary School, our vision is to provide children with opportunities to achieve and excel through high quality provision – creating a setting which promotes children’s happiness, well-being and confidence.
Curriculum Intent:
The curriculum design at Rykneld Primary School is centred around our offer of being ambitious inspiring, engaging and motivational for everyone. We firmly believe that this offer ensures that children and staff develop and foster a love of learning which becomes embedded in the long term memory.
The curriculum’s intention offers rich coverage throughout all of our years and is inclusive of all children, considering both SEND and disadvantaged children. We aim to develop both skills and knowledge and careful consideration is placed on sequencing learning to ensure that it is centred around the needs of all of our children.
Rykneld's curriculum closely follows the National Curriculum in Key Stage 1 and 2, with lessons focusing on the following subject areas: English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, Art & Design, Design & Technology, Computing, Physical Education, Religious Education and Music. In addition to these, we also teach French in KS2 and PSHE across the school. Long Term Plans for all subjects can be found below; detailed, progressive Medium Term Plans for each subject are also used to plan a sequence of lessons within a unit and these are available upon request.
EYFS children work towards our 7 Progress Goals, which have been designed to provide rich experiences that allow them to develop a range of skills, build their language and oracy and develop a love of learning. Further details of these Progress Goals can be found on our EYFS Curriculum page.
Sport, the Arts and extra-curricular activities are all considered within our school. Such opportunities enrich the children’s experiences, and further support our mission statement; “Achieve, Believe, Care.”
The Curriculum Newsletters below provide further information relating to each year group.
Calculation Progression
The calculation guidance documents below provide information about the strategies and methods we use in school to teach the four different calculations.
At Rykneld Primary School we follow the Little Wandle phonics scheme. Our main reading scheme in Key Stage 1 is Collins Big Cat which builds on the phonics teaching that takes place in school.
Recommended reading lists for each year group can be found in the documents below.
Curriculum Subject Documents
Each subject leader has a clear set of intentions for the curriculum area they lead. The following documents outline the intent, the implementation of this and the way the impact is monitored within school.